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Top 4 Ways to Create an Embodied Journaling Routine

Updated: Jan 14, 2023

Practicing journaling as an embodiment routine is a great form of self-care. When we become embodied, we can live a more grounded conscious life so that we can feel less overwhelmed and feel better from the inside out.

So, you’ve been trying to start journaling for a while now. You have been told it can help you create healthy habits, conquer your fears, reduce your self-judgements, and master self-love. You hear of others doing it and it seems like it should be so easy. But for some reason, you resist. You have bought the journal; the new pen and you have committed to yourself to start. Every time you get close to putting the pen to paper something happens to prevent you from beginning and you are back at where you started: judging yourself for not following through on your commitments.

Not this time.

Because this time you are going to be armed with the same tips, tricks, and secrets that the self-help gurus know. So, give these tips a try and see if they work for you too…

Tip #1: Know Your Why & Feel It

Finding your "Why" has become a buzz term in recent years. In the personal development and business world, it has become synonymous with self-discovery and being clear on your sense of purpose. Simon Sinek’s viral TED talk suggested that what you are doing presently is driven beyond what you are doing in the short term. That there is a vision and mission behind your efforts. And when you are clear on that vision and effort, it becomes the force behind what you want to do, and you will come up with the plans to achieve it.

“Before we can stand out, we must first get clear on what we stand for.” ― Simon Sinek

Knowing your why helps keep you focused on your goals. The more specific you can make your why, the better. When you can connect your vision/purpose to your values and core desired feelings you can create a ritual so you can embody this vision daily. When you can connect your why with how you want to feel, you can combine that desire with an embodiment practice to build a sustainable new habit.

Tip #2: Create Your Embodiment Ritual

An embodiment practice is a method of using the unique sensations of your body as a tool to develop awareness, stay present, self-regulate, feel whole, find balance, feel connected. As a result, you will know yourself better, love yourself more and be empowered

Here’s a bonus tip on how to embody your why.

Take five minutes to do this exercise:

1. Set a timer for 2 minutes and free write about why you want to journal. What your vision for journaling is? What does it mean to be healthy? What are your biggest struggles? What is your main source of stress? What does it look like to be stress free? What does it look like to be stress free in the future? What does self-care mean to you? What self-care activities do you participate in? List some new self-care activities you are willing to try. What does abundance & gratitude mean to you? How do you see your abundant and grateful self in the future?

2. Then take a minute to clarify your top reasons for wanting to start a journaling practice. Circle the similar reasons that kept popping up. These are clues to your, values or why.

3. Next you want to connect the dots and bring in how you want to feel when you are accomplishing your why. Set the timer for 2 minute and free write out how you want to feel in your work, your body, your relationships, your community, and spiritually. Then circle the words/feelings that keep popping up. These are your core desired feelings. When you can clarify how you want to feel with your journaling practice, you can create an intention to embody those feelings daily.

4. Set the timer for 1 minute. Review the feelings and make a list of all the things/activities that make you feel this way. I.e., watching a sunset, having a warm cup of tea, sitting in nature, inhaling an essential oil, petting your pet etc.

5. Once you connect your core desired feeling to your why you, can create a ritual so that you can embody this vision a daily basis and commit to practice. Write out your intentions in the present tense. When I envision myself in my new habit of journaling, I feel …. (Fill in the bank)

6. With your core desired feeling in mind, list 3 action steps or intentions that you would like to incorporate to help you create an embodiment ritual. Perhaps it is having a warm cup of tea while journaling, journaling while listening to nature sounds, journaling while sitting in the sun, inhaling your favourite essential oil or sitting in your favourite chair with your pet on your lap while journaling. Incorporating activities that elicit you core desired feelings with your journaling, will help you anchor your embodied vision.

Tip #3: Consistency Is Key

Consistency is important. This goes for anything in your life. Write in your journal every day. Preferably in the same environment, around the same time. Routine builds a habit. Set the intention to be consistent for the next 30 days.

Tip #4: Ditch the Rules and Judgements

Other than consistency, there are no rules for journaling. You don’t have to worry about grammar or meeting a quota of pages. Perhaps you journal by drawing, make lists, diagrams, or stream of consciousness. Switch it up. Make journaling fun!

Ditch any rules about the type of journal you should use. Your journal doesn’t have to be pretty. You can use journaling prompts, guided journals with themes or decorative journals. Don’t edit as you go. Your journaling a doesn’t have to be free or spelling errors.

Being open and honest in your journaling will allow you to speak your truth. Sometimes people are resistant to journaling because they have fears that others will read their journal. Keep your journal private. Do not judge yourself, even if it is not socially acceptable. Even if you are not sure why you feel the way you do or what it means. And be patient with yourself and do not judge yourself if you miss a day. Simply start again.

Simply writing down your thoughts and feelings can help you gain control of your emotions, manage anxiety, prioritize your fear, and track your symptoms day to day (via University of Rochester).

In Summary

Starting a journaling routine is simple when you take the steps to create an embodied journaling practice. So let me leave you with one last tip…think of journaling as a clearing of the mind. Writing when practiced with careful attention and intention can enrich your self-discovery. Think of journaling as a dialogue with your inner landscape and a route to nurturing your connection with yourself.

So, get to it – you’re going to be glad you did

Start now!

This post is designed to help anyone wanting to start a journaling practice. I have put my best tips into this Step-By-Step Guide to help you get started or introduce some new journaling techniques if you are seeking inspiration. Click Here to Download for Free,

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